Mission & the Spirit: Why All God’s Gifts Are Still Needed Today

This semester I have been recording videos for the Missional Life class I teach at Visible Music College. In particular, I’ve been doing some videos around the topic of Mission and the Spirit.

When it comes to mission in the west, we usually get caught up in talking about all the ways to be culturally relevant. And I don’t mind that. I look at that angle as well. But empowered mission begins with the work of the Spirit in the people of God.

Below is my latest video on why I believe all of God’s gifts are needed today for us to accomplish God’s mission, including such gifts as prophecy, healings, miracles and tongues.
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Logos and Rhema Word: I Don’t Believe the Dichotomy Is There

holy spirit

I am a charismatic, or a continuationist, as that is the more proper theological term of today. I’ve spent plenty of time writing about the Spirit’s role and gifts here at the blog.

I want to also be willing to critique some of the stuff that exists out there in the name of continuationist-charismatic theology. And there is a good bit out there that needs to be sharpened, to be redirected. And there is also stuff out there that is just outright heinous. Continue reading

Seven Reasons Why All Gifts of the Spirit Continue


holy spirit

I am one who believes that God still speaks today. You can call me charismatic. Or you can identify me by the more politically-correct, theological term known as continuationism. But I believe God still speaks-reveals-communicates today, as he always has done and will continue to do so forever.

Why would I believe such?

I list 7 reasons below: Continue reading

Miracles Today

miraclesDr. Craig Keener, professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary, discusses the miraculous works of God today. He looks at both Scriptural arguments and church history evidence of such realities in a massive tome called Miracles (1200+ pages). You can also view short video bytes where some points are briefly looked at, these being more easily digestible. And, even more, Keener is one that was a bit more skeptical about miracles still being a part of life today. Needless to say, God slowly changed his mind.

Below is one of those short videos. Continue reading

Does God Still Give Revelation Today?

Continuationists believe God still speaks today, not only through the word of God in Scripture, but even through specific words or what we might term ‘revelations’. These revelations can come in various manners – prophecy, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, visions, dreams, etc. – but God is still communicating and speaking today. He actually never desired anything less.

However, what can get easily leveled against continuationists, from the more cessationist camp, is the idea that such revelation would no longer be needed knowing we now have the completed revelation of God in Jesus Christ, which is, of course, summarized in the full canon of Scripture that now includes the New Testament. This revelation is the final word and no other such revelation is needed.

And I understand the concern, especially noting such doctrines coming out of the Reformation such as the sufficiency of Scripture. However, I think there is a very balanced approach that allows for Scripture to maintain its very needed place as the God-breathed and authoritative written revelation of God while maintaining that God still speaks, reveals and communicates today.

Here is what I believe we need to recognize. Continue reading